Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Brainstorm for Classical Argument

How readily available should birth control be to teenagers in school systems.

  • It's not meant to encourage sexual activity but provide protection to those who choose to be sexually active.
  • How involved/ "in the know" should parents be?
  • Maine Middle School approved allowing prescription birth control to be distributed through the heath center
  • Willamina High in Oregon still debating after 2-2 vote.
  • Should schools still only teach abstinence or also prevention methods (condoms, birth control, etc...)
  • Teen pregnancy rates have risen

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rhetorical appeals and informal fallacies analysis

            The commercial I chose was one I know many people have seen.  It is the Dunkin Donuts commercial that everyone is on their rooftops screaming that they love Dunkin Donuts coffee.  An appeal to pathos used in the commercial is there is an audience-based reason.  The audience targeted is middle-aged working class people, whom many of drink coffee.  Therefore, to target this audience’s value of a good cup of coffee to give them the pick-me-up they need they used middle-aged, average looking people that viewers can relate to.  This commercial also uses informal fallacies.  These include appeals to false authority, bandwagon appeals and hasty generalization.  In this commercial, the appeal to false authority and hasty generalization go hand in hand.  The false authority appealed is the first lady who speaks up an says “… I just want to say that Dunkin Donuts coffee is the best coffee I’ve ever tasted.”  We do not know if she is a food critic or has any credentials to be judging coffee and saying it is the best.  The hasty generalization, because of lack of data, is we do not know against what kind of other coffees she is judging Dunkin Donuts coffee.  Lastly, there was a definite bandwagon appeal because once the first lady spoke up everyone else in the neighborhood spoke up also and they all loved Dunkin Donuts coffee.  This showed that everyone drinking Dunkin Donuts coffee loves it giving the viewers the idea if that many people love it maybe I should try it too.